Auto Insurance Advice That Will Protect You and Save You Money

At Perenich The Law Firm, we often deal with car-accident claims that are exacerbated by lapses in insurance. Here are a few tips that we and Jonathan Berr at have put together to help you cover yourself and save money:

  • Protect yourself with Uninsured Motorist coverage to cover yourself when someone else is at fault. Many of our cases here at Perenich The Law Firm deal with at-fault drivers who have no insurance or insufficient insurance to cover the injuries their victims sustain. With a down economy, the percentage of uninsured or under-covered drivers on the road has increased, and could leave you vulnerable. Further information on the Florida No-Fault policy and the different types of insurance available to protect yourself can be found here.
  • If your commuting habits have changed due to a job loss, call your insurer immediately if you are putting less miles on your car, and your rates could be lowered.
  • If you are driving an older car, watch your deductibles, as they may cost you as much to insure your vehicle as its actual worth.
  • Skimping on the coverage you purchase can hurt you later, as accident costs can add up quickly.

Auto Accidents are frustrating events, and here at Perenich The Law Firm, we hope that people drive responsibly and distraction-free. However, if a negligent driver causes you to be involved in an auto accident, we are here to serve as your Tampa Bay Auto Accident Lawyers and to ease that frustration and help recover the costs from the at-fault driver’s insurance company, or in certain cases, pursue a lawsuit on behalf of our clients to hold the responsible party accountable for causing their injuries.