Insurance Claims Process

med-billsAfter being in an accident you will have enough stress worrying about your self much less your car. When you add on the stress of dealing with an insurance company it may feel almost unbearable. Understanding what to expect in the insurance claims process can not only help you deal with stress it can even help you from making a mistake that could cost you. Our firm’s Tampa Bay auto accident attorneys have over 70 years of experience dealing with insurance companies and we’re here to help you better understand the process.

Have you been in an accident? The best way to deal with an combative insurance company is to just give our office a call today at 727-669-2828 and let one of our highly experienced auto accident attorneys review your accident details for free and give you the knowledge of the best way to move forward.


  • At-fault driver reports the incident to their respective insurance company
    • If you or a loved one has been injured, report the accident to your insurance company. Fault does not matter.
    • Don’t give a recorded statement to anyone – even your own insurance company – until you speak with an attorney.
  • Insurance company will do their own investigation and then determine who is at fault for the accident
    • They may try to place responsibility on you, even if the other driver is at fault.
    • If possible, make sure to document your accident. Take pictures and gather any information you can – or have a trusted friend or loved one do it.
  • They may send someone with a check for lost wages, damages etc. 
    • IMPORTANT – Accepting any check from an insurance company can prevent the insurance company from giving you any more compensation further down the road.
  • Seek medical attention & Contact an auto accident attorney
    • Even if you don’t believe your injuries are worthy of seeing a doctor, you can’t risk loosing your benefits by not seeing a emergency medical provider. In the state of Florida you only have 14 days to seek medical treatment or you risk forfeiting $7,500 of your PIP benefits.
    • If you have any questions reach out to a attorney. Even if you decide to not contact our firm any respectable auto accident law firm will offer a free case evaluation.

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Even with these points to guide you through the process you may have more questions. Call us today for your free case evaluation and let one of our local auto accident attorneys review the details of your incident.