Tragically, Florida consistently has the highest unintentional drowning rate for children between the ages of 1 and 4. Such drownings usually occur in swimming pools and beaches, where inattentive parents, caregivers, or lifeguards are negligent in supervising children in the water. At Perenich The Law Firm, our drowning accident attorneys have more than 60 years of combined experience in holding those responsible for the unimaginable, tragic, and highly preventable death of a child due to drowning.

If the insurance company does not offer to settle for a reasonable amount, the attorney for the injured party may initiate a lawsuit. However, insurance companies are required by Florida law to attempt to settle injury claims in good faith.

Florida Governor Rick Scott has signed a bill that reduces security measures at seaports throughout the state by eliminating separate state background checks for port employees. In doing so, Scott has put the safety of Florida residents behind the financial interests of Big Business at a nominal cost savings

Despite its disappointing ruling on vaccine-related lawsuits earlier this week, the Supreme Court just decided another personal injury case that marks a significant victory for victims of negligently designed or manufactured automobiles.

This morning’s broadcast of the “Today” show provided a grim reminder of the potential health hazards and personal injury risks in cars with keyless ignitions.  The show discussed the recent deaths of two Florida residents and a New York man in the past year …

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