Drug Company Faces Claims Over Oral Laxative

The company C.B. Fleet Co. is facing hundreds of claims from users of its oral laxatives that were most commonly prescribed for colonoscopies and other medical procedures. Diane Suchetka of the Cleveland Plain-Dealer has this report:

Those who sued say they suffered from kidney failure and chronic kidney disease after drinking two bottles of the laxative within 24 hours. That amount was promoted by Fleet and prescribed by doctors, according to the suit.

In the most serious cases, the suit says, those who drank the laxative needed dialysis or kidney transplants. In a few instances, the kidney damage resulted in death.

The company is also accused of hiding information of the potential dangers of its product since 1992. At Perenich The Law Firm, we abhor the idea of a medical system in which big drug companies are allowed to put forth products that are potentially harmful or even deadly without care or concern for the general public. As your Tampa Bay personal injury attorneys located in Clearwater, we will serve you in ensuring justice from any type of medical wrongdoing.

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