Maintain Your Independence from Accidents and Injuries this Fourth of July Holiday

As the 4th of July approaches, most families are busy preparing plans for Independence Day weekend. Fireworks, hamburgers, hot dogs, family and friends are all usually part of the traditional celebration. Unfortunately, so too are car crashes and other highway vehicle accidents. According to the National Safety Council (NSC), July is one of the deadliest months of the year when it comes to car-related fatalities. Much of that is due to carelessness displayed by individuals during the holiday weekend. The NSC estimates that 173 traffic related deaths will occur just over the window of time from July 3 through 11:59 pm of the 4th of July, along with at least 17,300 injuries that will require medical assistance. With the large influx of holiday travelers driving on Florida’s highways, it is imperative for drivers to take the necessary precautionary measures to maintain their own safety as well as that of their fellow drivers.

The NSC article on Fourth of July safety also examines other potential injury risks during the holiday weekend. Accidental drowning and heat stroke are two major dangers faced by Americans during Independence Day festivities, especially in Florida. According to the NSC, unintentional drowning caused the deaths of 3,600 individuals in 2010. In Florida, crowded beaches and waterways on the 4th of July will increase the threat of drowning for boaters and swimmers, due to a potentially fatal combination of alcohol and negligence. Thus, it is always better to remain cautious and vigilant to ensure friends and family are always in plain sight around the beach and that all boaters wear life vests on the water.

Heat-related deaths are also a significant cause for concern, especially for infants and the elderly. Florida residents face particularly high exposure to the sun, and we may sometimes take for granted the effects it can have if we do not take the proper precautions. Heat stroke and heat exhaustion may be life-threatening and require hospitalization, so remember always to keep water in abundance and watch for warning signs of these conditions.

The NSC has compiled a list of safety tips to help Florida families enjoy a pleasant Independence Day weekend, including the following:

1. Do not text or talk on cell phones while driving;
2. Always wear your seat belt;
3. Refrain from road rage or emotional angst behind the wheel;
4. Move anyone with a heat-related illness to a shaded area immediately and provide water;
5. Pay close attention to children around water at all times;
6. Avoid using alcohol in the water; 70% of all water-related deaths involve alcohol;
7. Never allow children to handle fireworks;
8. Don’t tailgate or flashlights at another driver; and
9. Never leave children or pets alone in the car.

Hopefully, these tips will ensure your family and friends an enjoyable and fun-filled holiday weekend. On behalf of the attorneys and staff at PERENICH The Law Firm, we wish all Florida residents and visitors alike a safe, accident-free Fourth of July.