Sometimes the bark can be just as bad as the dog bite.

joggers - dog bite awareness


A dog bite doesn’t have to happen for you to get hurt.

With the weather getting warmer, a lot of people are getting out and running for fun and exercise. I ran a lot when I was in college and I ran a lot since then. For me running is fun. Some people call it jogging, but I like to run because running is fun. I still like to think of myself as a runner, although these days I don’t do it as much as before because of nagging injuries and a busy schedule running a law firm and finding time to spend with my wife and young daughter.

One of the hazards of being a runner, unfortunately, is when we encounter a dog that is not on a leash and when we don’t know if the dog will be friendly or not. I am sensitive to the potential dangers that dogs can pose because I have represented many clients in the Tampa Bay area who suffered injuries from dogs in all kinds of circumstances. I admit that when I’ve been running, I have confronted some scary looking dogs and wondered what I would do if the dog wasn’t friendly.

Most people know that if a dog bites them or someone in their family, a claim can be made against the dog’s owner. Our law firm has successfully handled many dog bite cases throughout Pinellas, Hillsborough and Pasco Counties and we know that the injuries from dog bites can be painful and disfiguring. These cases are usually brought under Florida Statute § 767.04 which provides liability when a dog bites a person. What many people don’t know, however, is that a claim can also be made against the owner of a dog regardless as to whether or not there was an actual “bite.” Florida Statute § 767.01 provides a cause of action for injuries resulting from the aggressive actions of a dog that causes injury. Sometimes the injury results because the dog aggressively ran into a person. But many times the injury occurs because the dog acted aggressively and startled or frightened someone causing them to fall and sustain injury. Aggressive actions can be a dog running at someone or barking loudly that would lead a reasonable person to believe that they were in danger from the dog.

I personally love dogs. We always had two collie dogs when we were growing up. But I love running and sometimes irresponsible owners create dangerous situations because they don’t secure their dogs for the safety of others. So remember, if you or a member of your family is hurt because of a loud barking dog that causes you to suffer injury, we are here to help. Because the truth is, sometimes the bark is as bad as the bite.

To learn more about the laws surrounding dog bites visit our Dog Bite page.

If you or a loved one has been injured while dealing with an animal please don’t hesitate to call us at 727-669-2828. The peace of mind of knowing where you stand is worth the phone call.

Terence Perenich, a founding partner of PERENICH The Law Firm, is a personal injury lawyer who has been practicing law in Clearwater since 1992.