Florida Workplace Fatalities

Workplace Fatalities 2012
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Do you think your job is the worst job ever?

Think again. At least when you are in the workplace the chances of being killed are likely null. There are some industries in Florida that have quite a different outlook for their workers.

Let’s start off with the good news however. Florida workplace fatalities are dropping and at a reasonable percentage each year. This decrease is likely caused by stricter OSHA standards and stricter enforcement of those standards. The highest number of Florida workplace fatalities was in 2004 with a total of 422 people losing their lives while on the job. The newest numbers available from 2012 (And yes Florida is one of the few states left that have not released their 2013 Workplace fatalities totals.) show that the number of people who lost their lives while working has dropped down to just 209!

In the last ten years we have cut our Florida workplace fatalities in half. Awesome. But there are still Floridians losing their lives on the job, and we thought it would be interesting to break down some of the specifics to see if there were any numbers that really stuck out.

Oh and they did.

  • Of the 209 fatalities 91% of those were men. (Ladies make sure you have a good life insurance policy.)
  • Almost 25% (48 deaths) of the fatalities are from the Construction Industry.
  • Following too closely by the Transportation Industry with 46 deaths.
  • And lastly 21% of the deaths were caused by Workplace Violence, decently above the national average of 17%.

The take-a-ways from this?

Though we all take inherent risks in our everyday lives at work, there are definitely certain workers who put themselves in greater peril.

Take every precaution you can. Follow the regulations in your industry, they were created to protect you. Workplace fatalities can be avoided as seen by the dramatic decrease in the last ten years but it takes all of us working together to keep moving in the right direction. If you see something that isn’t right, say something. Do something. Make a difference. You never know, you may be saving someone’s life.

If you or a loved one has been effected by a injury at work and have any questions contact us now at 727-669-2828 and take advantage of our Free Consultation. Ignorance is not bliss when it comes to your life.



Phillip Pelletier is the Director of Digital Marketing for PERENICH The Law Firm. Born and raised in Tampa Bay, Phillip has acquired an extensive background in e-marketing and technical writing. With these skills, Phillip is dedicated to helping those in our community who have been wrongfully injured obtain justice with the representation of the lawyers at PERENICH The Law Firm.