5 things to do After a Hit and Run

hit-and-run Infographic
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Hit and run accidents happen more a LOT here in Tampa Bay. In 2014 there were 4,428 hit and run accidents in Pinellas County alone and that number has been steadily rising for the last few years.

  1. Document everything you can remember from the crash as quickly as possible.
    1. Did you see the license plate number of the vehicle that hit you? Even just the first few letters can help!
    2. What was the Make, Model, color and approximate year of the vehicle?
  2. Call the police.
    1. Having a police report will make dealing with your insurance company MUCH easier. Without one they may just deny your claim.
  3. Look for witnesses and ask for their contact information.
    1. If you didn’t see the vehicle well, maybe someone else did. The more witnesses that you can talk to the better.
    2. Give the witnesses’ names and contact info to the police as part of the report.
  4. Look at your surroundings and see if there is anything that can help you.
    1. Are there any businesses nearby? If so, do any of them have video cameras monitoring the outside?
  5. Take Pictures!
    1. Take photos of both your vehicle AND the area surrounding the accident.
    2. Take close up photos of the damage to your vehicle. The hit and run vehicle may have left some of its own paint when it hit you!

Each of the 5 tips above can help you on their own, but when you can accomplish all of them it will astound you how much better off you’ll be. With just 2 or 3 characters from a license plate AND knowing the make and color of a vehicle will greatly increase the chances of the police finding the person that hit you.

If you want to know that you are REALLY protected from Hit and Run motorists make sure that you have UM Insurance. UM (un-insured or under-insured motorist) coverage is the only major type of insurance that covers Hit and Runs in Florida.

If you or a loved one have any questions after being involved in a hit and run accident please don’t hesitate to call our firm. We offer absolutely free consolations and you never pay unless we represent you and win.

Phillip Pelletier is the Director of Digital Marketing for PERENICH The Law Firm. Born and raised in Tampa Bay, Phillip has acquired an extensive background in e-marketing and technical writing. With these skills, Phillip is dedicated to helping those in our community who have been wrongfully injured obtain justice with the representation of the lawyers at PERENICH The Law Firm.