Pedestrian Dangers on New Year’s

new year 2016With New Year’s fast approaching many people are planning out their festivities and certain safety precautions to go along. These people will plan on taking cabs, mass transportation or even a ride sharing service to ensure their safety traveling home.

But what if I told you New Year’s is NOT the most dangerous holiday for driving (July 4th actually is) and that there is another form of transportation that New Years IS the most dangerous for?

It may be hard to believe but According to a 2005 article in the journal Injury Prevention, more pedestrian deaths occur on New Year’s Day than any other day, including Halloween.   Now keep in mind that statistically pedestrian fatalities are already much more likely to occur Friday through Sunday then all of a sudden it makes a LOT more sense to worry about walking this New Years.

If you are going out and plan on walking to or from different locations there are a few things you can do to make sure that you and your fellow celebrators have a safe and happy New Years.

  • Walk in well-lit areas
  • Always walk on the side walk when there is one available.
  • Walk facing traffic if there are no sidewalks
  • Consider what you are wearing and choose clothes that drivers can easily see. (little black dresses look good on you but do NOT help drivers see you)
  • Be predictable.

Have fun, Stay Safe & Happy New Years!


Phillip Pelletier is the Director of Digital Marketing for PERENICH The Law Firm. Born and raised in Tampa Bay, Phillip has acquired an extensive background in e-marketing and technical writing. With these skills, Phillip is dedicated to helping those in our community who have been wrongfully injured obtain justice with the representation of the lawyers at PERENICH The Law Firm.