New Technology and negligence don’t mix


It’s the New Year! Almost everyone is planning ahead on all of the wonderful changes they want to make in their lives over the upcoming year. One extremely common New Year’s resolution in our current culture is weight loss. Unfortunately, such resolutions can be dangerous on occasion or even fatal. New technologies make looking good and feeling better about your body even more tempting now, but with all new technologies come new problems and new concerns that consumers should be aware of.

Earlier this year, for example, a Las Vegas spa employee, Chelsea Patrica Ake-Salvacion, was found topless and frozen from her last cryotherapy session in the spa, Rejuvenesce. The coroner’s office in Clark County, Nevada, ruled the woman’s death as a result of low oxygen levels within the liquid nitrogen chamber she used to submerge her body. What happened to Chelsea was tragic, but not necessarily surprising. Cryotherapy has been around for a few years now but is just now becoming for widely available. Because of this there are very few regulations in the industry to help guide consumers and operators alike. What happened to Chelsea was avoidable and hopefully in the future there will be regulations in place to insure another story likes does not happen again.

If your New Year’s resolution list includes losing weight and improving your looks through cosmetic surgery, special treatments, or any number of activities offered by a business make sure to look into the regulations surrounding the industry first! If you are injured by the negligence of a business owner or an industry you should seek immediate medical help and then call us at 727-669-2828.