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Accidents can happen anywhere and at any time, you’re insurance cover should travel to the ends of the earth with you.





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Travelling abroad is an exciting experience and some of the technical [and often boring] details can get lost in the hustle and bustle of getting all your papers in order. Proper insurance cover while you travel is often one of those things and for the most part it’s not a problem, until something happens.





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 If you’re traveling out of state or out of country and you’re involved in an accident of some sort that leaves you injured, you’ll need the assistance of a vacation injury lawyer who can help you to assess the damage and lay a claim.

 Documenting everything is the best course of action. Be sure to make notes, take photographs and gather contact details of anyone who witnessed the accident/fall/injury in order to strengthen your case. It’s advised to do this as soon as the accident happens and not to wait too long as your insurance claim may potentially be disregarded if you have already left the state or country.

 Before you travel out of Florida

 Be sure to check up on reliable vacation injury lawyers. If you’re planning on taking a cruise have the number of a cruise injury lawyer that you trust on standby. It’s a great idea to familiarize yourself with what your insurance does and doesn’t cover you for while on holiday and find out how your medical insurance will handle a claim should you be injured out of state or country.

 If you’re traveling to Florida

Our vacation injury lawyers are some of the most experienced in Tampa Bay and we’d be happy to help with your claim should you be injured while in Florida. If you were injured while on a cruise, we’ll put you through to one of our top cruise injury lawyers who will walk you through the necessary steps.

 We know you want to relax while you’re on holiday, that’s why we strongly advise that you take a vacation 100% prepared for anything.


