Spring cleaning your car can save your life


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Cleaning your car is paramount to your safety on the road





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In the issue of car safety, something we very often overlook is the necessity of keeping a car interior clear and tidy. This action has more than aesthetic value and as Tampa Bay accident lawyers who have seen it all when it comes to motor vehicle accidents, we can say that keeping your car tidy has immense safety value.





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 If you take into consideration what happens in an untidy vehicle, it becomes a little clearer why spring cleaning your car is so vital. No, it’s not just to get all that dust and grime out but rather it’s about the possible risk that loose objects pose while driving.

Loose objects lying around in the car can cause the following problems:

  • Obstructions with regards to the foot pedals. Loose objects, especially those that can roll easily, can roll under your pedals. Accidents due to this have certainly happened before.
  • Should you need to pick something up off the floor (like a bottle about to roll under your pedal) you could cause an accident – in fact, this action increases your likelihood to cause a motor accident by 9 times.
  •   Mirrors and windows that are dirty, or obstructed by objects in any way are severely hazardous.
  • Lights which are not clean may become less visible on the roads, especially in difficult weather conditions.

 Our Tampa Bay accident lawyers stand ready and waiting should you need assistance with a claim. Clear and clean your car now and prevent a possible accident from happening because of a dirty car. Accidents can be life-altering, but there’s no need to wait for a misfortune – de-clutter your car today.


