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Florida might mean beaches, plenty of sunshine, and all-night parties for tourists but for those who earn a living here, it can be treacherous. In fact, Florida is considered to be the second most dangerous state to work in based on population. In 2014, the workforce at large in Florida experienced 221 work-related deaths, many of which could have been prevented with decent labor structures in place.





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Among the many factors involved, a lack of proper safety regulations, emergency procedures, and inspections to ensure that the proper processes are being followed are mostly at blame in these accidents, further highlighting the negligence in the workplace and the company on the whole. Work-related death attorneys are a great asset here and will be able to handle the legal proceedings with finesse and the least amount of mess.

 In our experience, injuries and deaths that occur at work are often unfairly compensated for, particularly when there is no adequate legal representation in place. In some instances, the company refuses to take accountability for the accident and because of this, settlements could take months to finalize. A Serious injury where work is put on hold for an extended period of time; permanently; or leaves a family without their main breadwinner in the event of a death, leaves no room for waiting months for recompense.

 A work injury lawyer will stand by you through the proceedings and fight for the best possible outcome. We know that there is nothing that can truly compensate for a life lost but for those that are left behind, life does go on. We will do our utmost to ensure that the compensation you receive is not only fair but will be ample to see you through the hard times.





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